Making a change
You have been put into a situation that requires you to change. Change your habits, change your career, change your friends, change your home, and change everything about yourself that you thought you knew. Now, you’re on a discovery to find yourself again. You ask yourself, “Who am I”?
There are no steps to follow, there are no rules on the path of self discovery. It’s just you and the wind whipping through your hair.
It’s why I want to write about lemons and making lemonade. That’s where it all began. In tears because I finally got everything I wanted, a loving husband, a good career, and a beautiful home. I waited a long time for those things! It takes some women years to find her life partner, and that was me. The call came in that we would be moving across the country and starting a new journey together.
The service industry isn’t kind to women over 40. You cannot transport your established clientele with you over 2000 kms away. Sure! I can start over again, build a clientele and move on; however, it’s the perfect time to start something different. If I must, I’ll have a lemonade stand at the end of my driveway and be successful at it.
Be Fearless
Fearless to explore and be happy about it, I’ve started a new career path. Writing, journaling, exploring, discovering, coaching. I am the least stressed of my entire life. The decision to go where the wind blows was the best. Out of control, not having a clear path is exhilarating…. And frustrating as I’m not sure when the money starts coming in.
Climbing mountains feels like a desire that you want to achieve when you’re at the bottom looking up. The same could be said when you look at mountains of paper work, or when you’re living in your trailer saving for a down payment for a house. The hardest part is putting on your boots and lacing them up. Roll up your sleeves. How long will it take to reach the summit? Everyone has their own speed. It took me 5 years just to begin this blog post.

Mt. Carleton, New Brunswick
With the wind at your back, and so much to discover in front of you, what would hold you back? Fear? I’m afraid of what will happen if I don’t attempt to climb the mountain. Boredom, and monotony leads to depression. There is a time to rest, it’s a season called winter. For now, in the spring, what is your mountain? Is it a physical mountain, or is it buying a house, a car, running a 5k race? Please share with me.
Chipping away at day 1, I’ll just take things one step at a time. My first post and first website. I’ll be writing about the small things that usually go unnoticed that will put smiles on your faces. If you need a lift, I’ve got you. Life is not easy for anyone, and we all could use a hand at our backs to stride forward.
“I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade… and try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka and have a party”. –Ron White
Looking forward to your next post. We all need encouragement from time to time and once we start to climb that mountain I know eventually we get to the top. My problem is getting started and then to just keep on climbing. Xoxo